About Company

about company

Recognized for commitment to innovation & streamlined collaborations

Alrais Egypt is your trusted gateway to authentic Egyptian products. We’re a dedicated Egyptian export arm of the renowned Alrais Enterprises Group, a powerhouse established in 1997.

This dynamic group has evolved into a major force spanning diverse industries, including hotels, real estate, restaurants, travel, trading, Airport Concierge Services, and Alrais Egypt. Their commitment to Emirati innovation continuous growth, and nation-building fuels our success.

Unique Selling Points

Why choose Alrais Egypt over other competitors?

Alrais Egypt's mission is to elevate Authentic Egyptian products on the global stage. We provide a direct supply to our Egyptian finest offerings, ensuring quality across a diverse range of goods.


Offering competitive pricing through streamlined supply chain processes.

Quality & Reliability Focus

Our expertise ensures reliable, consistent products whether you seek premium products of standard specifications.

Customer-Centric Service

Tailors services to meet individual client requirements, ensuring satisfaction.


Pioneers in adopting innovative solutions to enhance delivery efficiency.

Let us be your
regional trusted partner

We are your proactive export partners, driven by transparency and a relentless focus on delivering results with our value-added services.


Welcome to Alrais Egypt.

Your single point of contact for Egyptian products


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